Optimization and improvement of Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the review of industrial manufacturing processes in the aeronautical environment.
The application of Artificial Vision techniques in the industrial field allows the improvement of manufacturing processes, not only in terms of efficiency but also precision and error-free production . This ability to "produce without errors" is of utmost importance in critical environments such as aeronautics, where a failure in the manufacturing of a critical component (e.g., a fuselage) can lead to extremely serious incidents.
Given the tremendous precision that can be achieved through AI and precisely because of the potential criticality of these failures, in recent years Computer Vision techniques have been applied as an additional layer of security. Through capture systems (cameras, LIDAR, profilometers, etc.) a second source of information can be provided to validate the quality of the material produced.
Thanks to the fact that these techniques can be executed in real time and with very high precision margins, the control mechanisms and algorithms are incorporated into the production system itself, facilitating its use and improving the overall result of the manufacturing process.
Biyectiva, as an expert in Artificial Vision techniques, is supporting the process of continuous improvement and innovation through Artificial Intelligence of MTorres, a benchmark in the aeronautical sector.
Grupo MTorres is one of the main industrial groups in Spain, offering solutions to companies such as Airbus, Boeing, TetraPark, etc. This places them as a world leader in the production of machinery for the aeronautical and converting sectors.